Why HP Printer is “offline”?
When your printer displays the Offline status in the printer’s control panel, you might not have connected the printer and computer to the network properly. Try to set the printer online. Go to Settings and then Printers. Right-click on the printer icon and click Use Printer Online.
Troubleshoot Printer Offline Status on Windows 7
A “printer offline” status on Windows suggests that the system failed to communicate with the connected printer. That can happen due to errors in connection, poor configurations, faulty drivers, or if there are plenty of print jobs pending in the print queue. Regardless, you will not be able to take printouts unless you turn the printer online. Many people complain that their printer keeps going offline on Windows 7, and that can be due to many causes; so you have to start troubleshooting the error from scratch.
Make sure “printer” is connected properly
Change HP printer’s status from “offline” to “online”
- Try to set the printer to online. Go to Settings and then Printers. Right-click on the printer icon and click Use Printer Online.
- Double-click on the printer, go to the Printer menu and click Cancel All Documents.
- There might be a stuck in print job. That would cause the printer to go offline.
- Reboot the printer and computer. If it doesn’t work, reinstall the driver.
- Go to Settings then Printers and choose your printer.
- Right-click on the printer and choose Properties.
- From the General or Details tab, search for the driver button and select it.
- Reinstall the printer. Under Printers in the Settings option, choose the printer then remove the printer and reinstall it through the Add printer wizard.
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